Who We Are

Sidai is a fully vertically-integrated company supplying quality livestock and crop inputs and training to farmers and pastoralists across Kenya.
The company operates through a network of branded, professionally-staffed, company-managed stores, distributors, stockists and field staff. Sidai has a unique ‘last-mile’ service delivery model that also reaches pastoralists and farmers in remote and under-served locations.
To date, Sidai has established 6 Company Run Stores (CRS), 166 Distributors, and providing last-mile distribution and extension services. Sidai sells to a further 4,000 stockists through its wholesale business.
Sidai currently supplies products & services to over 201,367 farmers and emphasizes the for them to prevent problems through good nutrition, vaccination and management.
Sidai has 26 Sidai Branded Products (94 Stock Keeping Units (SKU)) registered and in the market and a pipeline of new products and technology.
Our Mission
To enable every small-scale farmer and pastoralist in Kenya to produce food in a predictable and profitable way
Our Vision
Capable and equipped farmers accessing professional services to improve their yields – generating increased household income for a better quality of life