Sidai strongly recommends the routine vaccination of livestock to prevent unnecessary deaths and loss of production.
Vaccination Services
Mastitis is a common problem in dairy cows and leads to a reduction in milk production, rejection of milk, expensive treatment and, in some cases, loss of udder function.
Mastitis Control, Testing & Treatment
Sidai promotes a ‘Herd Health’ approach to livestock management, emphasising good nutrition and the adoption of cost-effective disease control measures
Livestock Health & Production
Sidai is able to offer its customers on-farm and basic laboratory diagnostic. We are also in disease investigation missions in collaboration with county government veterinary staff and the Director of Veterinary Services.
Livestock Disease Diagnosis
Sidai is able to provide a comprehensive set of services to farmers on their farm including advisory services, clinical and vaccination services as well as on-farm product delivery.
On-farm Advice & Product Delivery
Sidai has invested much on setting up a milk quality testing and chilling unit at Thika. Farmers benefit from training on how to improve the quantity and quality of their milk production
Milk Quality Testing & Chilling
Sidai supports farmers to improve the productivity of their staple food and horticulture crops. Soil health and nutrition is key to good plant health and growth leading to high yields.
Crop Health & Production
Sidai offers on-farm soil testing services using a hand-held Near Infrared Spectrometer supplied by Agrocares. Farmers receive an immediate test result on their mobile phone or printed on paper including fertilizer recommendations.
On-farm Soil Testing
Sidai is able to provide a comprehensive set of services on farm including advisory services, soil testing and product delivery.
On-farm Crops Advice & Product Delivery
Sidai offers a wide range of short course training to professionals across the industry. The company is certified by the Kenya Veterinary Board as a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) training provider.
Professional Training
Sidai’s professional staff deliver practical and effective training, on a wide range of topics, to groups of farmers on a routine basis. The hallmark of Sidai’s training approach is that it is practical and encourages farmers to view ‘farming as a business’.
Farmer Training